Here at Llanerchindda, we have teamed up with Allan Trow from Dark Sky Wales to offer a new stargazing package for individual customers and groups staying with us.

Those of you who have stayed with us before will know the skies above Llanerchindda really are dark and offer some magnificent stargazing opportunities (weather permitting).

Have you ever wondered what is in the skies above us? Well now is your chance to find out more from Allan and his team at Dark Sky Wales.

We can arrange for them to come to site with telescopes and other astronomy equipment to help teach you about what is in the skies above us and how to use telescopes and binoculars to make the most of viewing the night sky.

Allan and his team can also teach you some of the tricks of Astrophotography (if this is what you are interested in).

Dark Sky Wales have put together a number of packages, gifts and experiences for you, your family, friends, colleagues and associates to enjoy.

From learning Astrophotography (no kit needed) to one-to-one star tuition – or even getting the most from your new telescope – they have it covered to suit all tastes and budgets.

Couples’ Stargazing Experience – £225.00

Ideal for an intimate evening with a loved one or even for that special occasion. Great for Christmas, birthdays or anniversaries. Take a tour of the night sky, viewing familiar and unfamiliar constellations of the northern hemisphere. Find various deep sky objects, such as the Orion Nebula, and learn the correct use of binoculars and navigation via star maps.

You will also be shown how to set up a telescope correctly before viewing and then photographing some of the magnificent sights in the night sky. No prior knowledge or equipment is needed, but feel free to bring both. 

Family Stargazing Experience – £350.00

A unique opportunity for you and your family (maximum of 5 people) to take a tour of the night sky.

Group Stargazing Experience – £20.00 per person (minimum 15 people)

As part of a group, you will use a variety of portable telescopes located in the grounds. In case of inclement weather, astronomical talks will be provided in a warm room located nearby. This will give you the opportunity to view the night sky directly from Llanerchindda and to learn from the Dark Sky Wales team. You will also use advanced telescopes to view the night sky.

One-To-One Telescope Tuition – £200.00

Got a telescope? Not sure how to set it up correctly? Or are you just not feeling confident enough to give it a go?

Then Dark Sky Wales’ one-to-one telescope tuition could be what you need. They will show you all the tricks of the trade to get you going.

For more details, or to book an experience, contact Allan at Dark Sky Wales, or e-mail him on: