29th June, 2017 / News & Updates

It’s been super hectic here the last few weeks, we haven’t stopped. Although, we’re not complaining. We can’t believe that we are at the end of June already! Would you believe that we’ve had 10 Car Clubs stay so far with more to come. The next one being our own tour which is on 30th June. If you are interested in coming on a tour either with a club or joining on to one of our tours then please get in touch.
As I write this post, 20 recorder players have just departed to head home after a 3 night recorder course based here at the farm, which are organised by Steve and Ann Marshall (top dogs in their field). Steve and Ann make recorder playing fun and use a mixture of music, its nice to see the guests having so much fun playing. Any of you out there that were forced to play the recorder in school and thought playing it was as boring/dull? Then you would be surprised what the guests learn to play. Did you know that you can play jazz using a recorder? I could barely get to grips with playing Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. Anyway, we hope they had a lovely stay with us and we look forward to welcoming them again soon!

If your looking for a break during the summer holidays please check our website for availability there have been a couple of cancellations recently and you may just be lucky and find the dates your looking for.

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